Designing Slogans for the High Street

New Look Top

Since my first week at work slogans has been a major part of the work I do for hughstreet stores including Topshop, New Look and Tesco. This type of designing I had never approached before now, I wouldn't have even thought about teaching myself how to design slogans like I did a lot of other designs I have done. When you think of slogans for t-shirts, it sounds like an easy task but, I can assure you, it doesn't always come easy to some. I am one of those.
The font, layout, placement and scale are factors you have to consider and this is the tricky part of making a slogan look right on a t-shirt. The easy part is coming up with an original slogan or changing one that has already been done.

If you're a textile print student and thinking of going in to high street designing, I strongly recommend just attempting to try out designing some slogans, even if it is just a 3-4 to add to your portfolio. It is worth looking around the high street to see what is popular (French words are very popular) and what styles different stores offer. Pinterest is a great place for slogan inspiration with textile designers across the world adding new ones each day. I am lucky that my Head of Department guides me when I need it on how to create the perfect slogans, but Pinterest also offer a lot of help in how to achieve the right style. There a lots of tips on which fonts work well together and you can download a few to work with.  
For some, it does take time to get an understanding of the right fonts and the right layout for a certain slogan and for some it doesn't. The main thing to remember is have patience and it will work out eventually. It is better to have one or two great slogan tees rather than a large quantity that are not that marketable. 

Topshop & New Look

1 comment:

  1. Neat and Simple Slogans.. I like that font used in the third t-shirt... Jaslynn, Bizbilla


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